
MReport May 2019

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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36 | TH E M R EP O RT SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION: TITLE & ESCROW GUIDE Radian Settlement Services Inc. KEY PERSONNEL Sam Zaki SVP, National Sales and Strategy Manager Jill Cadwell SVP, Radian Settlement Services Operations Lee Baskey SVP, Underwriting Operations CONTACT INFORMATION Radian Settlement Services Inc. 1000 GSK Drive, Suite 210 Coraopolis, PA 15108 Phone: 800.646.8258 Email: ClientRelationsRSS@ Web: COMPANY DESCRIPTION Radian Title Services offers title services and title insurance through Radian Settlement Services Inc. and EnTitle Insurance Company. Through these wholly owned Radian subsidiaries, we provide a 50-state solution for our clients. BUSINESS LINES, SERVICES, AND PRODUCTS • Centralized refinance title and settlement • REO title and close • Deed reports—legal and vesting only • Property reports—current owner search, two- owner search, full search • Standalone closings • Standalone recording • Replacement policies COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Because of the company's deep knowledge and understanding of the industry, it recognizes that all clients' needs are different, and it works closely with new and existing clients to determine how to maximize each relationship. The company's consultative approach and strong business partnerships help to offer better price value, bundled services, faster turn times, and customized solutions to accommodate desired workflows. ADDED VALUE TO CLIENTS • Trusted to Deliver Radian has a deep-rooted reputation in mortgage insurance and a proven history of always doing the right thing. • Structured to Support Your Probability Radian has centralized its title and settlement services and complements all of its technology with a human touch. • Simple, Straightforward Pricing The company has streamlined its pricing with all-inclusive escrow fees. Radian makes it easy for you to understand and doesn't pile on unnecessary costs. KEYS TO SUCCESS • Compliance with ALTA's Title Insurance & Settlement Company Best Practices • A broad experience and understanding of the title business • Third-party ordering platform integrations that enhance productivity • Providing staff with training and support to foster a culture of knowledge and professionalism END-USER CATEGORIES Lender/Servicer Service Provider TESTIMONIAL "[Radian Settlement Services] is a pleasure to deal with. Your more than timely manner in which you return annual due diligence items is not the norm and is greatly appreciated!" —A Radian Settlement Services Client "We have worked with [Radian Settlement Services] for four years and are looking forward to many more years in this partnership. The products they offer have allowed us to grow in our volume and the service they provide is a true example of customer-first." —A Radian Settlement Services Client

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