
MReport September 2019

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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44 | TH E M R EP O RT Caren Castle SENIOR MORTGAGE SERVICING ATTORNEY, THE WOLF FIRM Caren Castle said she hopes that she has played a role in removing the obstacles that limit the achievement of goals for female attorneys in our industry, and creating the thought processes and recognition that removes the artificial ceiling, allowing a more "direct path" to success. She said her career has been filled with many firsts: one of the first female partners of a multistate law firm in the mortgage default servicing space; the first female president of the USFN; and first female chairperson of the Legal League 100 Advisory Board, to name a few. But for Castle, she is most proud that she has maintained the respect of her colleagues and peers. "I remember when one of my son's teachers was explaining to him that he should protect his reputation, as you only get one and it's not easy to earn, but very easy to lose," she said. "I've tried to live by those words. Learn from your mistakes, learn from your past, but always look forward." She added, "The friendships and rela- tionships that I have built over my nearly 40-year career have helped to sustain me," Castle said. "They have been instru- mental in helping me weather the lows and have certainly helped me obtain the highs. I am proud of my accomplishments old, new, and those yet to come." Elonda Crockett VP OPERATIONS SHARED SERVICES, FANNIE MAE Mentorship and volunteerism are critical to Elonda Crockett because, as she puts it, "time is a precious commodity." For Crockett, much of that time is spent at community service activities geared toward women, mentoring students of historically black colleges and universities, and sponsoring diversity and inclusion groups with Fannie Mae. However, she said she believes she is at her best when working with young women who are on the cusp of building and planning for their futures. "I enjoy working with college students and recent graduates," Crockett said. "They are at the beginning of their careers and are so eager. Mentoring allows me to introduce students to the housing finance industry—many of whom may not otherwise consider a career in financial services." Crockett said dedicating her time makes it possible to share her experiences as a female executive and increase inclusion within the industry. She said she mentors because, "I want students to be armed with knowledge to ask the right questions and make informed career choices. "I want them to see someone who looks like them succeeding—and to understand that it's not an anomaly, but an achievable reality," she said. The THE LAURIE A. MAGGIANO LEGACY Award Named in honor of the late industry icon whose distinguished and accomplished career left an indelible impact on housing, this award recognizes those women who through their tireless efforts, collaboration, and ingenuity have powerfully influenced the industry and homeownership nationwide (minimum 20 years' industry experience). Finalists An MReport Issue Featuring Five Star Conference's Keystone Awards Finalists

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