TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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42 | M R EP O RT Top 25 Fintech Innovators HEADQUARTERS LOCATION: Newport Beach, California PHONE: 949.289.3299 WEBSITE: HEADQUARTERS LOCATION: Plano, Texas PHONE: 866.288.7051 WEBSITE: NotaryCam Pavaso, Inc. COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Founded in 2012, NotaryCam pioneered remote online notarization (RON) in real estate by completing its first remote online mortgage closing in 2014. Since then, NotaryCam has facilitated more than 250,000 RON transac- tions in all 50 states and 146 countries while earning endorsements by the National Association of Realtors and the National Notary Association. In addition to being on Fannie Mae's eClosing Technology Solution Provider List and Freddie Mac's eMortgage Reviewed Vendor List, NotaryCam is also an approved eNotary/RON vendor in Kentucky, Michigan, Montana and Utah and is an integrated partner with two of the largest doc prep/ eClosing providers on the market—DocMagic and Docutech. INNOVATION SPOTLIGHT: • NotaryCam's eClose 360—provides a secure, online closing room for remote closing ceremonies, allowing businesses and individuals to legally notarize, sign, and execute documents and agreements online, with no restrictions on the type, number, or location of participants allowed in ceremony. It is the only platform on the market that offers 24/7 notary access, allows multiple parties to join the signing cer- emony, and can scale to meet any and all jurisdictional requirements. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Despite claims from other RON providers, NotaryCam was the first to in- troduce RON and ROC technology to the housing industry. Following a nearly 140 percent increase in new users in 2018, NotaryCam surpassed 200,000 users in the first half of 2019, and is adding over 10,000 new us- ers monthly. Throughout its growth trajectory, NotaryCam has achieved and sustained the highest net promoter score in the niche and remains the only platform that scales in every jurisdiction, meaning NotaryCam alone provides mortgage lenders and their settlement agents the com- petitive advantage of closing how the client wants to close. TESTIMONIAL: "NotaryCam gives us an added advantage to meet our customer needs by providing a fully digital closing solution that saves everyone time and money, and ultimately enhancing the customer experience." —Scott Gillen, SVP, Industry Relations, Stewart Title COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Pavaso empowers lenders, title companies, and real estate attorneys to complete real estate closings in all 50 states through one secure col- laborative platform that connects all permissible parties to exchange information and documents, communicate and collaborate in real time to streamline the entire closing process. As a leader in digital mort- gage transformation, Pavaso's platform supports all real estate clos- ing options, delivering traditional, fully paperless and hybrid eClosings with both in-person eNotary (IPEN) and remote online notarization (RON) solutions *. INNOVATION SPOTLIGHT: • Digital Close Enterprise—One collaborative platform to streamline the entire closing process, support all real estate closing options and loan types. • Digital Close —Consumers can review and confirm the accuracy of all loan documents and information ahead of the settlement, anytime, anywhere. • Remote Online Notarization (RON) —Provides the ultimate conve- nience by allowing consumers to be virtually anywhere in the world to eSign closing documents, where they appear before the eNotary to eNotarize, using two-way audio-video technology. • eDisclosures — Electronic delivery of early and closing disclosures with acknowledgement details reported in an audit log. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Pavaso is a true "full service" eClosing platform that can perform a com- pletely paperless eClosing in as little as 15 minutes, and deliver process improvements throughout application, pre-closing, closing and post-clos- ing. It is designed to enhance workflows and existing relationships, not replace them. Pavaso does not rely on outside third parties to complete an eNotary. Training and support are provided to your state-commissioned eNotaries or your existing relationships with signing agency can be used to eNotarize documents on Pavaso. *Due to platform capabilities, state law or regulation or all, electronic notarization and remote online notarization are not available in all areas. Pavaso makes no express or implied warranty respecting the information presented and assumes no responsibility of or errors or omissions.