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28 | M R EP O RT EXPERT INSIGHTS are recognized, there are ways to overcome them. Overcome Impostor Syndrome 1. Create a Brag Sheet. Women are more likely to downplay their achievements. Creating a brag sheet can help with feelings of inadequacy. List out your accomplishments and acco- lades. Seeing them on paper will strengthen your ability to recognize your achievements. This includes sharing your ac- complishments with the world, i.e. LinkedIn. 2. Positive Self-Talk. Change how you frame things. Take a moment to focus on what you excel at and highlighting those talents. This can help prevent negative self-talk. 3. Own Your Accomplishments. Women tend to explain their successes away by ascribing them to things like "luck," "hard work," or "help from others." 10 Try to own the role you played in your success by forbidding yourself from falling back on excuses. Practice saying these words out loud: "I'm proud of what I've accomplished." 11 4. Visualize Your Success. Keep your eye on the outcome–completing the task or making the presenta- tion; this will keep you focused and calm. 5. Realize No One is Perfect. Stop focusing on perfection. There is also good that comes with feeling like an impostor. It leads to more in-depth preparation, critical analysis, and delving deeper into the issues at hand. Feeling fraudulent is also a sign that you are being intellectually challenged. Next time you find yourself ques- tioning your abilities, or not taking the credit due for your hard work and success, take a step back and know that YES, you are amazing and YES, you deserve the recogni- tion. . MARISSA M. YAKER, ESQ. is the Managing Attorney of Foreclosure for Padgett Law Group. As a full-service creditors' rights law firm operating in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Ohio, Yaker over- sees foreclosure processing and operations across seven physical locations within the firm's footprint. Yaker's practice is primarily focused on creditor's rights and foreclosure, an area of law that she has practiced for five years. In January 2020, she was recognized by DS News as one of the Top 25 Women in Law. Next time you find yourself questioning your abilities, or not taking the credit due for your hard work and success, take a step back and know that YES, you are amazing and YES, you deserve the recognition. 1 10 Steps You Can Use to Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Valerie Young, 2 The Impostor Phenomenon, Jaruwan Sakulku and James Alexander, 2011, Page 73, International Journal of Behavioral Science. 3 The Impostor Phenomenon, Jaruwan Sakulku and James Alexander, 2011, Page 73, International Journal of Behavioral Science. 4 4 Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Janice Gassam, January 2020, 5 The Impostor Phenomenon, Jaruwan Sakulku and James Alexander, 2011, Page 73, International Journal of Behavioral Science. 6 The Impostor Phenomenon, Jaruwan Sakulku and James Alexander, 2011, Page 73, International Journal of Behavioral Science. 7 The Impostor Phenomenon, Jaruwan Sakulku and James Alexander, 2011, Page 75, International Journal of Behavioral Science. 8 4 Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Janice Gassam, January 2020, 9 How to Overcome 'Impostor Syndrome,' Jessica Bennett, 10 How to Overcome 'Impostor Syndrome,' Jessica Bennett, 11 How to Overcome 'Impostor Syndrome,' Jessica Bennett, Achievement-related Tasks Anxiety Self-doubt Worry Feeling of relief Effort Accomplishment Positive feedback Luck Discount positive feedback Perceived Fraudulence Increased self-doubt Depression Anxiety Over-preparation Procrastination The Impostor Cycle Diagram illustration the Impostor Cycle based on Clance (1985). The cycle begins with the assignment of achievement related tasks.