TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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M R EP O RT | 3 M R EP O RT | 3 CO NTE NTS FEATURES 10 THE GLASS ROOF What factors are holding back single female homebuyers? MReport speaks to the experts. 16 SURVIVAL THREAT Minority- and women-owned companies are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. What can be done to ensure these companies don't disappear? 20 LEADING THROUGH EMPATHY A 30-year mortgage exec shares lessons learned over an impactful career. EXPERT INSIGHTS 24 LESSONS LEARNED Whether it is choosing to be courageous or just being your authentic self, these lessons will serve any female professional well. 26 SILENCING SELF-DOUBT How to overcome impostor syndrome. 31 2020 WOMEN IN HOUSING FINALISTS The annual Women in Housing profiles honor women who exemplify characteristics that strengthen and support the business of mortgage. DEPARTMENTS 4 MTECH Expanding Services 7 MDWELL Access Denied: A new report tracks which cities have the highest and lowest mortgage denial rates for African American borrowers. 8 MCROWD Who's moving on and who's moving up in the industry.