TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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news and strategies for the evolving mortgage market February 2015 31 O r i g i n a t i O n What Will 2015 bring For mortgage rates? some analysts want the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate to rise to nearly 4.5 percent, while others call for an average closer to 5 percent. 38 S e r v i c i n g mortgage perFormances improve in Q3 Delinquent mortgages, foreclosures, and forfeitures were all down year-over-year. 42 a n a l y t i c S home prices still 2% unDervalueD nationally the midwest and new england have the most undervalued homes, while texas and california have plenty of overvalued ones. 59 S e c O n d a r y m a r k e t neW acQuisitions Drive up business at Fannie it's all ups and downs for the mortgage giant. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced in December that they will start backing mortgages with three percent down payments, policymakers touted the move as a way to stimulate the housing market. But so far, all it's stimulated is debate. The