TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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Th e M Rep o RT | 9 With the support of our valued clients, MCS has been able to promote security and the importance of maintaining neighborhoods throughout America. Through inspections and preservation, rehab and repair, and now with our valuation products, we ensure that our clients receive the very best service and that we do everything we can to protect communities and maintain neighborhoods with unparalleled work. Contact us today, and put our commitment to work for you. PROPERTY PRESERVATION | PROPERTY INSPECTIONS | REO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE | REO REHAB & REPAIR | INSURANCE INSPECTIONS ORIGINATION INSPECTIONS | MUNICIPAL PROPERTY REGISTRATIONS | APPRAISALS | BPOS | STEEL DOOR AND WINDOW SECURITY 6504 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY | SUITE 1500 | PLANO, TEXAS | 75093 | 813.387.1100 | WWW.MCS360.COM VA L U AT I O N S Protecting Communities and Home Values for our Clients since 1986