TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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Co nte nts Th e M Rep o RT | 3 14 The 3 PercenT SoluTion When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac an- nounced in December that they will start backing mortgages with 3 percent down payments, policymakers touted the move as a way to stimulate the housing market. But so far, all it's stimulated is debate. 18 The Second Time Around Collaboration is the key to helping mil- lions of homeowners burned by the finan- cial crisis re-enter the housing market. 22 GroundinG condo lendinG'S TAke-off The condominium mortgage market is ready to soar. But inefficient rules and regu- lations could clip its wings. 27 from The inSide ouT Lenders and vendors can build stron- ger relationships through robust human resources programs. dePArTmenTS 4 mTech Emerging Tech, Merging Firms, Encouraging New Hires 6 TAke 5 Rey Maninang, Carrington Mortgage Services 8 from The Source 10 mcrowd See Who's Moving On and Moving Up in the Industry