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Th e M Rep o RT | 39 O r i g i nat i O n s e r v i c i n g a na ly t i c s s e c O n da r y m a r k e t SERVICING the latest roundPoint Upgrades consumer Ombudsman Program Conceived as resource for borrowers who wanted to voice their concern, the program now allows customers to escalate any issues directly through the company website. W ith the company's latest website up- grade, RoundPoint Mortgage Servicing customers can now pose questions or concerns about their loans using its online Consumer Ombudsman. The North Carolina-based company recently rolled out its enhanced ombudsman program, allowing consumers the ability to escalate any complaints directly through the RoundPoint website. Established as a neutral resource, the Consumer Ombudsman office works to protect borrowers' rights by investigating alleged violations, monitoring RoundPoint's business activity, and working with business units to correct consumer issues. The program also offers recom- mendations for problem resolution and supplies trend analysis to de- termine potential process problems and areas to improve. "The Consumer Ombudsman offers an independent and impartial resolution process and acts as a neutral arbiter of these customer inquiries," said Dave Worrall, chair- man and president of RoundPoint. "It is our obligation to offer each consumer the support they need to fulfill their mortgage commitments. Making this program available through our website is one more way we are taking that responsibil- ity very seriously." Brad Johnson, RoundPoint's COO, also noted that the addition of easy online access reflects the company's approach to provide information and resources to bor- rowers through as many channels as possible. "This program is one more way that we can quickly get to the heart of the issue, provide a method by which the consumer can easily understand their options and solve problems," Johnson said. "We're very proud of this program and the posi- tive effects we expect it to have on our business and our customers' lives." mcs valuations announces management changes After being acquired by Mortgage Contracting Services in September 2014, the company bulks up its executive corps. m CS Valuations (MCSV), LLC, has strengthened its management team to emphasize the company's focus on quality assurance and compli- ance, according to executives at the nationwide appraisal provider. Mark Hickle has now taken over executive oversight of MCSV as SVP for Mortgage Contracting Services (MCS), which acquired the company six months ago. With his servicing experience and focus on quality and vendor management, the firm says he is "uniquely quali- fied to lead [the] group." In addition, Katie Parkey, who currently serves as VP for MCSV, will expand her role to include business development, client rela- tions, new client onboarding, and industry relations. Parkey joined the company following its acquisition by MCS, having previously worked at CoreLogic since 2007. Ryan Sedgwick has been pro- moted to VP of operations from his previous role as director of business operations. Sedgwick also was previously with CoreLogic, having started there in 2005. Finally, Kimberly Drake-Loy was named general counsel and chief compliance officer. Working from MCS' North Texas head- quarters, she will be responsible for MCSV's quality control and quality assurance process, as well as legal initiatives. MCS CEO Caroline Reaves said the management changes "highlight MCS' growth and commitment to quality in pro- viding valuations, appraisals and BPOs in both the default and origination markets." She added that "MCS Valuations is proving to be an exceptional addition to MCS' suite of services. Likewise, Katie, Ryan and Kim are exceptionally talented individuals whose hard work and leadership skills have become apparent in the short time they have been a part of the MCS family."