TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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HLP Key Personnel Camillo Melchiorre CEO and President Mark Cole Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer Nick Figlo SVP, Solutions Design and Analytics Samantha Friedman SVP, Product Development and Client Services Jon Ballard Business Development Hope LoanPort began in 2009 as a solution to help homeowners and the mortgage industry during the foreclosure crisis. But in the past five years, our organization has expanded its reach to help a wider range of stakeholders in the homeownership process. In addition to working with the top mortgage servicers, we are used by more than 6,000 housing counselors at more than 1,100 nonprofit counseling agencies. Each day, we are committed to finding new and better ways to connect you with the solutions that drive success. Helping the Housing Market Grow OUR MISSION Hope LoanPort ® (HLP) is a national, neutral and nonprofit utility that unifies the efforts to help families achieve and sustain homeown- ership. Our role is to be the digital transit way for all stakeholders in the homeownership process by facilitating transactions and giving each stakeholder the tools and functionality needed to manage their respective interest in the transaction. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Through our National Housing Platform, we support a full range of mortgage products: • Origination: Applicant Preparation, Pre-Purchase, Refinance and Reverse Mortgages • Servicing: Post-Purchase, Foreclosure Prevention, Early Intervention, Post- Modification and Non-Retention • Mortgage Servicing Transfer Tool for Workouts-in-Progress • Consumer Direct Portal: Allows consumers to access and submit information directly to mortgage companies— KEY BENEFITS Hope LoanPort is a unique technology platform that offers a secure, software-as-a- service solution for the exchange of informa- tion, documents and messages. By adding transparency and efficiency, we allow the mortgage industry to collaborate and solve a wide range of issues. ORIGINATION • Helps more people qualify for mortgage loans • Improves loan performance and reduces losses SERVICING • Facilitates regulatory compliance for communications • Standardizes implementation of national policy and corporate initiatives CONSORTIUM-BASED Started by industry and used by its leading companies, HLP is committed to listening and working with your company to build effective solutions. To find out more about HLP, contact CEO Cam Melchiorre or call 410.942.6464 x1021 Five Star ad Mark Cole—MCole @ hopeloanpor 410.779.9383 HLP ad.indd 1 1/22/15 1:16 PM