TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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64 | Th e M Rep o RT Final ThoughTs Final Thoughts Throughout the last month, the mortgage industry felt the impact of government policy and regulatory changes. here are some parting shots from those on the front lines. "Not a scientist; apparently not an economist either." Mark Calabria, director of financial regulation studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, tweets in response to the president's State of the Union address "By bringing our premiums down, we're helping folks lift themselves up so they can open new doors of opportunity. …." HUD Secretary Julian Castro on the announcement of a cut in FHA premiums "The housing finance system works." Fannie Mae CEO tiMothy Mayopoulos addresses calls for GSE reform "In the old days, you dealt with one regulator when you had an issue. Now it's five or six. You should all ask the question about how American that is, how fair that is." JaMie DiMon, CEO and chair at JPMorgan Chase, pushes back against heavy regulation "The fact that the NFL is largely black players is not discrimination." Supreme Court Justice antonin sCalia draws a line between disparity and discrimination when it comes to fair housing "They're not providing us the information we need to do our job." toM Dresslar, spokesperson for California's Department of Business Oversight, on why the state is looking to suspend Ocwen's mortgage license "We believe we have provided the requested information in the format requested." Ocwen CEO ron Faris responds to pressures from the California DBO