TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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Th e M Rep o RT | 7 take 5 world will eventually go out of busi- ness—even if they perform top-quality work, for a fair price, and provide excel- lent customer service. Everyone is now used to instant and immediate action. People are no longer valued for who they are or how they treat others—only by how fast the work gets completed. As the title industry continues to change, it becomes even more difficult to focus on customer service. With the implementa- tion of new CFBP rules and regula- tions, the new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rules, as well as the imple- mentation of ALTLA's Best Practices, more regulation naturally results in less flexibility. So in order for a title company to stand out and continue to attract and keep business, it needs to be way ahead of the game, especially come August when these requirements are mandatory. M // How can companies balance the need for technology without sacrificing the human element? SCHUERMAN // Somewhere within all people is the need for human interac- tion. The time is now, a pivotal point where we can make the decision to include both—both customer service and technology. When we make a human connection, as opposed to a digital con- nection, we create a completely different platform to build a relationship. We treat those around us with care and respect. People want this but they have been trapped by the speed of the latest and greatest technology available, com- plicated by extreme governmental rules and regulations. M // How does PRISM incorporate both new technology and top-tier customer service? SCHUERMAN // Since we don't always have the luxury of getting in our car and driving over to meet someone due to proximity, we start by picking up the phone and having a conversation. We can schedule regular conference calls with groups of people. We can arrange a personal visit and put the cost in the "customer service" budget. No one can disagree that meeting someone in person creates a bond that cannot be created any other way. For example, we recently flew several people to visit a client where the relationship had gotten tenuous because of electronic misunder- standings. At the end of the visit, it was amazing to see the transformation and the new bond that was created by this human interaction.