TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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MNOTES W ell, another year has passed. In the last 12 months, we've tackled hot-button issues like GSE reform, Dodd-Frank, big data, and diversity, and we even spent some time honoring the industry's top leaders and organizations. Now, we venture into a new year of MReport and a new horizon for our country—and our industry—as a whole. It's the latter we tackle in this month's issue, as we analyze what the new presidential administration will mean for mortgage. In "Now That a Real Estate Developer is President-elect," Brian Montgomery looks at how soon-to- be President Trump and his business background could impact housing. He also delves into what the new administration can do to make homeownership more feasible for the millions of Americans struggling with rising rents and a dwindling rental unit supply. Keeping in the political vein, in "The Road to Reform," we sit down with Michael Stegman, a former housing policy advisor for the Obama administra - tion. Stegman shares get his thoughts on GSE reform, as well as the important role bipartisanship and cooperation between parties will play in making it happen. We also take a look at the industry from the lender's perspective this month. In Kendall Baer's "Keeping Consumer Centric," MReport talks with executives at HSBC about the industry's increasing compliance requirements and how those have impacted the overall customer experience. Finally, as an intro to this month's valuations provider guide, some of the industry's top valuation professionals gives us a glimpse into the world of valuations yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's. Hear their input on compli - ance, technology, efficiency, recruiting, and other issues impacting that sector, so be sure to check it out. Those are the must-reads for January, but we have a whole year of info- packed issues planned for you in 2017, so make sure you stay tuned the whole year-round. From engaging the millennial market to scrutinizing the ever- changing regulatory landscape, you can learn much from MReport's pages in the coming months. I can't wait to have you along for the ride. All my best, Rachel Williams Editor-in-Chief 2 | TH E M R EP O RT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rachel Williams ONLINE EDITOR Brian Honea ONLINE CONTRIBUTORS Kendall Baer Mirasha Brown Scott Morgan COPY EDITORS Krista Franks Brock Alison Rich Aly Yale CONTRIBUTORS Vladimir Bien-Aime James Contino William Fall Mike Floyd Jeff Jonas Brian Montgomery George Paquette Michael Stegman William Temple CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Stone ART DIRECTOR Jonathon Won DESIGN DIRECTOR Sean Walker ADVERTISING Suzanne Andresen (207.443.3314) Robyn Clayton (214.525.6716) Kevin McCrea (214.525.6756) Jason Myers (214.525.6760) PHOTOGRAPHER Jack Soltysik CORPORATE OFFICERS CHAIRMAN & CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER Mark Hulme PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ed Delgado CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER John Harrison DIRECTOR OF HR/ACCOUNTING Ernest Gillespie ART DIRECTION Jason Stone Sean Walker Jonathon Won No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2017 REO Publishing LLC All Rights Reserved This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed information in regard to the subject matter covered. All written materials are disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal advice or other professional services. Under no circumstance should the information contained herein be relied upon as legal advice as it is designed to be a source of information only. MReport strongly encourages the use of qualified attorneys or other qualified experts with regard to the subject matter covered. MReport does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and is not liable for any damages, losses, or other detriment that may result from the use of these materials. © 2011 First American Financial Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. YOUR business is OUR business! First American Mortgage Services is laser focused on mitigating YOUR cost, risk and exposure by aligning our advanced solutions with YOUR strategic objectives and compliance needs. We are the New First American, over 120 years young, strong and financially secure. Insight | Innovation | Integrity First American Title Insurance Company and First American Mortgage Services make no express or implied warranty respecting the information presented and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. FIRST AMERICAN and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE are trademarks owned by First American Financial Corporation. 2 | Th e M Rep o RT Publisher Jon Ball contributing editor Abby Gregory online editor theMrePort.coM Ryan Schuette coPy editors Alison Rich emily White Youree heather hill contributors phil Britt Bob Calandra eric Fox Jack Konyk Mark Lieberman creative director Jason Stone art director Jonathan Won associate art directors Bruce Sons Chanyanont Loha-Unchit design director Sean Walker advertising Dina Duncan (214.525.6740) Jason Myers (214.525.6760) Andi Zimmerman (214.525.6724) technology Toby Tull Brandon Shangraw social Media Leon McKenzie Ani Vera circulation/corresPondence Celina Avila corPorate officers chairMan & chief creative officer chief executive officer Mark hulme edward R. Delgado business develoPMent Andi Zimmerman chief financial officer John harrison director of huMan resources ernest Gillespie director of oPerations Toby Tull account executives senior account executive Donna Lott (214.525.6792) sPonsorshiPs Jason Myers (214.525.6760) account executives Renee Charles (214.525.6742) Thomas Griffin (214.525.6754) Kristin Larson (214.525.6713) Ryan McLemore (214.525.6706) Marketing Travis Bogdon Matt hulme Production Kyle Curtis Miguel Martinez Christian McCrossan concierge Celina Avila art direction Jason Stone Sean Walker Jonathan Won No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2011 Reo publishing LLC All Rights Reserved This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed information in regard to the subject matter covered. All written materials are disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal advice or other professional services. Under no circumstance should the information contained herein be relied upon as legal advice as it is designed to be a source of information only. MReport strongly encourages the use of qualified attorneys or other qualified experts with regard to the subject matter covered. MReport does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and is not liable for any damages, losses, or other detriment that may result from the use of these materials. FORDEFAULTSERVICINGPROFESSIONALS THEFIVESTARINSTITUTE Follow us. A New Horizon