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TH E M R EP O RT | 59 O R I G I NAT I O N S E R V I C I N G DATA G O V E R N M E N T S E C O N DA R Y M A R K E T THE LATEST GOVERNMENT in his assessment of the state of financial over regulation, and we look forward to working with his new administration to advocate on behalf of the mortgage industry and the American homeowner." Prior to joining the Five Star, Delgado played a role in work- ing closely with officials from the George W. Bush administration and the U.S. Department of the Treasury under the direction of then Secretary Henry Paulson to promote housing policy and programs designed to prevent foreclosure. Tim Rood, Chairman and Co-Founder of Washington, D.C.- based business advisory firm The Collingwood Group, was also in attendance at the meeting. "Even a cynic would have a hard time walking away from that event not feeling that the coun- try was better poised for growth and prosperity than it is today. The message of lower taxes, less regulation, and less government waste resonated with me and the crowd in a truly sincere way," he commented to MReport. Other invited guests included Wilbur Ross (Trump's Commerce Secretary pick), Ray Washburne (leader on the transition team for Commerce), Anthony Scaramucci (financier and host of Wall Street Week on Fox Business Network), Lewis M. Eisenberg (financier and former Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey during 9/11), and Darlene Jordan (Executive Director of the nonprofit Gerald R. Jordan Foundation and member of Trump's Economic Advisory Council). The event gives the industry a glimpse into Trump's initial plans in office and how they will affect the mortgage industry, but an ad- ditional piece of the puzzle will be Dr. Ben Carson who, as MReport first reported, Trump appointed to HUD Secretary. Though he does not have direct experience in housing, in 2015, Carson wrote an editorial for the Washington Times criticizing HUD's Affirmatively Further Fair Housing rule, which he said was "designed to 'deseg- regate' housing by withholding funds from communities that fail to demonstrate their projects 'af- firmatively further' fair housing." Commenting on Carson's nomination, Delgado said, "Hailing from Detroit, Dr. Carson is all too familiar with the housing issues related to the inner city. It is our hope that as HUD Secretary, he puts forth policies and programs intended to rebuild markets hard- est hit by the Great Recession." The Collingwood Group Vice Chairman and Co-Founder Brian Montgomery expressed his senti- ments about Dr. Carson as HUD Secretary-nominee to MReport: "I am excited about Dr. Carson as Secretary-nominee of HUD for several reasons. For one, he obviously has the full support of President-elect Trump who was quite vocal about Dr. Carson serv - ing as HUD Secretary. But most importantly, Dr. Carson is a house- hold name. You probably have to go back to Jack Kemp or Henry Cisneros to find a HUD Secretary who is this well-known. I think that high visibility will serve Dr. Carson well and allow him a solid platform to elevate housing as an issue in need of a national focus." While the full roll out of Trump's policies will become clearer as we approach the January 20th inauguration date, one thing is certain: Trump's allusion to the fact that the work is just now beginning couldn't ring more true. "Mr. Trump is accurate in his assessment of the state of financial over regulation, and we look forward to working with his new administration to advocate on behalf of the mortgage industry and the American homeowner." —Ed Delgado, President and CEO, The Five Star Institute