TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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RateStar Powers Possibilities The RateStar SM platform delivers continuous innovation for your business, enabling you to originate and close more mortgages, reach new customer segments and compete efficiently in a changing marketplace. RateStar The industry's preferred MI risk-based pricing platform. Our new portal offers a choice of express or custom quotes. RateStar Buydown SM With the industry's only MI buydown tool, you can customize unique MI premium payments tailored to each borrower. RateStar Refinance Retention The newest addition to RateStar offers reduced borrower-paid MI premiums for eligible borrowers refinancing Arch MI-insured loans. ARCH MORTGAGE INSURANCE COMPANY | 230 NORTH ELM STREET GREENSBORO NC 27401 | ARCHMI.COM © 2019 Arch Mortgage Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved. Arch MI is a marketing term for Arch Mortgage Insurance Company and United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company. RateStar and RateStar Buydown are service marks of Arch Capital Group (U.S.) Inc. or its affiliates. MCUS-B1106-1019 For more information, visit Get connected to Arch MI's RateStar platform today. $