
MReport November 2019

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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The Times, They Are a' Changin' T oday's consumer is not the typical homebuyer of years past. They are younger, more diverse, and increasingly more demanding that the technological conveniences they enjoy in so many aspects of their lives also apply to how they get a mortgage, how they interact with lenders—or even whether they pursue a career within the industry. The November issue of MReport delves into how companies are taking on a shifting demographic, clientele, and workforce demands across the spectrum. First, MReport speaks with industry leaders from Fay Financial, First Guaranty Mortgage, Mortgage Contracting Services, and more about what it takes to promote a positive work environment in November's cover story, "Revitalizing the Mortgage Workforce." Next up, Jim Paulino, CEO of LodeStar Software Solutions, discusses whether technology is helping or hindering the mortgage market in "The Dividends of the Digital Revolution?" In "The Personal Touch," Mike Eshelman, Head of Consumer Finance at Jornaya, talks about the challenges of marketing to today's consumers. Finally, Anne DiSimone, founder of Bankers Advisory, explores why minorities are struggling with homeownership—and what lenders can do to help. Change may be one of the only constants in this industry. Learn how to keep up this month's MReport. David Wharton Managing Editor 2 | M R EP O RT MNOTES © 2011 First American Financial Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. YOUR business is OUR business! First American Mortgage Services is laser focused on mitigating YOUR cost, risk and exposure by aligning our advanced solutions with YOUR strategic objectives and compliance needs. We are the New First American, over 120 years young, strong and financially secure. Insight | Innovation | Integrity First American Title Insurance Company and First American Mortgage Services make no express or implied warranty respecting the information presented and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. FIRST AMERICAN and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE are trademarks owned by First American Financial Corporation. 2 | Th e M Rep o RT Publisher Jon Ball contributing editor Abby Gregory online editor theMrePort.coM Ryan Schuette coPy editors Alison Rich emily White Youree heather hill contributors phil Britt Bob Calandra eric Fox Jack Konyk Mark Lieberman creative director Jason Stone art director Jonathan Won associate art directors Bruce Sons Chanyanont Loha-Unchit design director Sean Walker advertising Dina Duncan (214.525.6740) Jason Myers (214.525.6760) Andi Zimmerman (214.525.6724) technology Toby Tull Brandon Shangraw social Media Leon McKenzie Ani Vera circulation/corresPondence Celina Avila corPorate officers chairMan & chief creative officer chief executive officer Mark hulme edward R. Delgado business develoPMent Andi Zimmerman chief financial officer John harrison director of huMan resources ernest Gillespie director of oPerations Toby Tull account executives senior account executive Donna Lott (214.525.6792) sPonsorshiPs Jason Myers (214.525.6760) account executives Renee Charles (214.525.6742) Thomas Griffin (214.525.6754) Kristin Larson (214.525.6713) Ryan McLemore (214.525.6706) Marketing Travis Bogdon Matt hulme Production Kyle Curtis Miguel Martinez Christian McCrossan concierge Celina Avila art direction Jason Stone Sean Walker Jonathan Won No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2011 Reo publishing LLC All Rights Reserved This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed information in regard to the subject matter covered. All written materials are disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal advice or other professional services. Under no circumstance should the information contained herein be relied upon as legal advice as it is designed to be a source of information only. MReport strongly encourages the use of qualified attorneys or other qualified experts with regard to the subject matter covered. MReport does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and is not liable for any damages, losses, or other detriment that may result from the use of these materials. FORDEFAULTSERVICINGPROFESSIONALS THEFIVESTARINSTITUTE Follow us. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Rachel Williams MANAGING EDITOR David Wharton REPORTERS Mike Albanese, Seth Wellborn ONLINE CONTRIBUTOR Radihika Ojha COPY EDITOR Brandy Scott CONTRIBUTORS Jim Paolino Anna DeSimone Mike Eshelman CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jason Stone ART DIRECTOR Jonathon Won DESIGN DIRECTOR Sean Walker ADVERTISING Kevin McCrea (214.525.6756) 2019 EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Danielle Hale, Chief Economist, ® ; Ken Markison, Of Counsel, Weiner Brodsky Kider PC; Alex McGillis, Director of Product Development, Quicken Loans Erik Schmitt, Managing Director of Origination Division, Chase Home Lending; Rocky Stubbs, SVP, Head of Direct Lending, Flagstar Bank Corporate Officers CHAIRMAN & CHIEF CREATIVE OFFICER Mark Hulme PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ed Delgado ART DIRECTION Jordan Funderburk, Jason Stone, Sean Walker, Jonathon Won PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS FORCE: Annie Collier (214.525.6740) Legal League 100: Lindsay Wolf (214.525.6786) American Mortgage Diversity Council, National Mortgage Servicing Association, Property Preservation Executive Forum: Rachel Williams (214.525.6748) No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2019 REO Publishing LLC All Rights Reserved This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed information in regard to the subject matter covered. All written materials are disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal advice or other professional services. Under no circumstance should the information contained herein be relied upon as legal advice as it is designed to be a source of information only. MReport strongly encourages the use of qualified attorneys or other qualified experts with regard to the subject matter covered. MReport does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and is not liable for any damages, losses, or other detriment that may result from the use of these materials.

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