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26 | M R EP O RT An MReport Issue Featuring Five Star Conference's Awards Finalists What Others Are Saying "One of Freddie Mac's youngest 'officers,' Theresa is passionate about affordable housing policy and brings her professional experience from both Capitol Hill and well-regarded industry organizations to Freddie Mac. In her role, Theresa leads a team that educates external audiences about Freddie Mac's critical role in bringing liquidity, stability, and affordability to the nation's housing finance system. During the pandemic, Theresa's work has been essential in helping homeowners and renters stay in their homes. Theresa is active in her community and serves on the Boards of both Women in Housing & Finance and Housing Opportunities Community Partners, a local nonprofit. What does this nomination mean to you and what makes you a good pick for this category? It is an incredible honor to be a Rising Star Executive finalist for the Five Star Institute's 2021 Women in Housing Awards. As one of the youngest officers at Freddie Mac, I bring my policy expertise, passion for providing safe and affordable housing opportunities in all corners of the market, and unique perspective to help inform the important work we do here at the company. As a Hispanic woman, I know how critical it is to help lift up women and minorities into leadership roles within the financial services industry. I have made this an important issue throughout my work both at Freddie Mac and as volunteer co-chair of the Professional Development Committee and board member of Women in Housing & Finance. We're a stronger housing finance system when our collective leadership reflects the diverse and unique perspectives of our shared communities. I am grateful to the Five Star Institute's leadership in elevating success stories of women leading in our industry! What Others Are Saying "A trailblazer in the industry who has led numerous departments at Cenlar and has been tasked to create a whole division called Special Servicing. Cara is a hard-working, dedicated, motivated leader and professional who can always be counted on to bring the very best to her role, no matter the area of responsibility she is assigned. Cara is committed to growing the knowledge base of all her staff and is willing to share her experiences with everyone. She is a knowledgeable loan servicing professional." What does this nomination mean to you and what makes you a good pick for this category? I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be nominated amongst this group of women who are standout thought leaders and visionaries in the industry. This nomination is a confirmation that my steadfast commitment to make a difference through effective leadership and innovation has made an impact. I learned early in my career that leaders have two options: manage the status quo or lead the disruption. Of course, I chose the latter. I'm a firm believer that the disruptor mindset my team and I share has helped my organization adapt to changing markets. I recognize that progress is not accomplished by one but by many, and it is my responsibility as a leader to create a culture where challenging the status quo is encouraged to drive progress. I encourage everyone on my team to make their voices heard and strive to consider all perspectives, even if they don't align with my own. I believe my ability to make the impact for which I'm nominated for all comes down to my three principles: lead with purpose, lead from the field, and be courageous to make change happen. The Rising Star Executive Award This award recognizes young women leaders who, while still early in their careers, have demonstrated an outstanding capability to lead and drive progress. Theresa Dumais VP of Government & Industry Relations, Freddie Mac Cara Hardy VP, Special Servicing, Cenlar FSB we are one