TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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M R EP O RT | 9 MTECH of their business." MCP 1.1 also boasts mobile responsive design and advanced workflow, allowing real-time multiuser access on every loan for concurrent automated work, anytime from anywhere. "Our goal with the launch of MCP was to deliver our lenders a more intuitive, modern digi- tal lending experience with the flexibility to fit their individual business needs," Espinosa said. "We're excited to work with each of our current customers to tran- sition to the new platform and get them utilizing the very best of our technology. Where we can advance from here will be really exciting." SimpleNexus Introduces In-App Payments with Nexus Pay NEXUS PAY STREAMLINES PAYMENTS FOR MORTGAGE LOAN APPLICANTS, ENABLING LENDERS TO PROVIDE A SIMPLER, MORE UNIFIED HOMEOWNERSHIP JOURNEY. S impleNexus, developer of a homeownership platform for loan officers, bor- rowers, real estate agents, and settlement agents, announced the debut of Nexus Pay at the recent Mortgage Bankers As- sociation's Annual Convention and Expo. Powered by global payment technology provider Global Payments, Nexus Pay enables mortgage loan applicants to seamlessly pay for any mortgage- related charges. Payments such as appraisal fees, credit checks, first month's payment, and more can be fulfilled in the same mobile hub borrowers use to receive loan status updates, eSign documents, collaborate with loan officers and real estate agents, and complete other loan-related tasks. Nexus Pay makes it easy for loan applicants to submit pay- ments via credit card or ACH within the SimpleNexus app without human assistance, ac- celerating delivery of payments and creating process efficiencies for mortgage lenders. In-app push notifications alert applicants when they need to complete a pay- ment task, and lenders can use the SimpleNexus admin portal to track payment history; view payment status on the borrower's loan details page; and edit, void, or refund payments if necessary. "With Nexus Pay, we've removed the friction that of- ten occurs when payments are required in the mortgage workflow, making it easier and quicker for borrowers to pay— and lenders to receive—those payments," SimpleNexus Chief Product Officer Shane Westra said. "By folding another step of the homeownership journey into the SimpleNexus app, lenders can provide their customers an industry-leading, on-brand home financing experience from start to finish." WFG Enterprise Solutions Announces MyHome® Funder Dashboard THE DASHBOARD IS DESIGNED TO HELP SIMPLIFY AND ACCELERATE LOAN FUNDING AND DISBURSEMENT. W FG Enterprise Solu- tions, part of the Williston Financial Group family of companies, has announced availability of its WFG MyHome® Funder Dash- board to regional and national mortgage lenders. Created to simplify and accelerate loan funding and disbursement, MyHome Funder Dashboard gives loan funders and closing personnel real-time insight into their loan's status as it progresses through closing. The official mortgage lender channel launch of WFG's MyHome Funder Dashboard follows a successful pilot release program, which took place earlier in the year. "Repeated requests and delayed responses threaten a secure, on- time closing," said Dan Bailey, SVP WFG Lender Services & WFG Enterprise Solutions. "The first, best way to avoid this is to make sure everyone is on the same page, which is exactly what MyHome Funder Dashboard does. With it, funders immedi- ately view loan balance amounts and any fees the lender plans to keep from the funding wire. That feature eliminates any back-and- forth when balancing a file for disbursement." MyHome Funder Dashboard improves funding efficiency by providing access to a loan's his- tory, current status, and remaining milestones. It also makes vital information available instantly, including notary name, loca- tion, and signing time; access to the executed loan package and conditions immediately after the borrower signs; a balance figure (including all fees escrow believes the lender is withholding); and even recording information. "Beyond that, Funder Dashboard gives transaction participants advance approval of recording and disbursement based upon a review of the funding package and balance amounts, and it supports multiple funders, giving each a unique login so transactions can be individually assigned and managed," Bailey added. Importantly, it also clearly identifies the escrow officer so that direct communication can be facilitated withinthe dashboard. "We believe Funder Dashboard will be a significant benefit to a key segment of the mortgage industry," said Marty Frame, President of WEST, a Williston Financial Group company. "It's a product we created in responseto the needs of lenders, with input from a cross section of leaders, through our Executive Roundtable, as well as regular client surveys. Partnership remains our key." Funder Dashboard joins an extensive lineup of tools from WFG that increase collaboration and create transparency among all participants in the mortgage trans- action, including DecisionPoint®, MyHome®, and MyHome® Exchange. "We designed each of these products to assist industry profes- sionals by making them intui- tive and simple for borrowers to understand as they move through the collaboration process," Bailey said. "Repeated requests and delayed responses threaten a secure, on-time closing." —Dan Bailey, SVP, WFG Lender Services & WFG Enterprise Solutions