
MReport August 2022

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR MORTGAGE BANKING NEWS AUGUST 2022 THEMREPORT.COM 'EMBRACE THE JOURNEY' Brian "Woody" White of Homebridge Financial Services discusses how he shifted from focusing on tech to D&I, and what mortgage companies need to consider when building their own D&I programs. AUTHENTIC ALIGNMENT Paul Gigliotti, COO of Pinnacle Home Loans, and CEO and Co-Founder of Axis Lending Academy, tells MReport how millennials are transforming the workforce and why modern candidates are seeking more intangible qualities than a paycheck and benefits package. THE NEW HIRING LANDSCAPE Dave Robertson, Senior VP, Chief HR Officer for Guild Mortgage, discusses hiring, retention, and how mortgage companies must work to set themselves apart in order to attract the talent they need. What does it take to build, sustain, and grow a top-tier team amid the current mortgage landscape? MReport brings you insights from execs at Guild Mortgage, Homebridge, and Pinnacle Home Loans as they seek to answer this question. The Team Issue Engineering Success

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