
Oct. 2015 - Diversified We Stand, Divided We Fall

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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National Property Preservation Conference NOVEMBER 15-17, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC National Property Preservation Conference NOVEMBER 15-17, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC F O L L OW U S O N T W I T T E R to stay up-to-date with this year's conference activities. #NPPC2015 Douglas G. Duncan FANNIE MAE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF ECONOMIST Douglas G. Duncan FANNIE MAE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF ECONOMIST Lou Holtz LEGENDARY FOOTBALL COACH AND ESPN ANALYST Lou Holtz LEGENDARY FOOTBALL COACH AND ESPN ANALYST Coming to DC this November... To learn more about these dynamic speakers and to register for this year's event, visit SPEAKERS SPONSORED BY:

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