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TH E M R EP O RT | 7 FROM THE SOURCE READ THIS: The Inclusion Dividend: Why Investing in Diversity and Inclusion Pays Off By Mark Kaplan and Mason Donovan As the authors of The Inclusion Dividend pro- pose, diversity "is no longer just the 'right thing to do,' it is a core leadership compe- tency and central to the success of business." However the fact that most companies do not set out to be non-diverse exemplifies that policies to promote diversity are harder to enact than may be first thought. The Inclusion Dividend explains the bottom line benefits of diversity and how to achieve diversity in corporate environments for both employees and customers. With fans such as Goldman Sachs' chief diversity officer Edith Hunt, this is a must-read for companies wishing to become more inclusive. TWEET THIS: @CFPB With the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rule in effect this month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is in the spotlight. Now you can get breaking CFPB news by following @CFPB for everything TRID-, complaint-, and mortgage-related. SHARE THIS: Impact of the US Housing Crisis on the Racial Wealth Gap Across Generations By Sarah Burd-Sharps and Rebecca Rasch This study by the Social Science Research Council and commissioned by the American Civil Liberties Union examines data on black and white households that owned a home between 1999 and 2011, and how these demographics were effected by the housing crisis. Among the studies key findings are that the housing crisis hit black families harder due to the fact that they had a larger proportion of their wealth in home equity, and that black households have had a harder time recov - ering as well. WATCH THIS: Report: Millennials Value Diversity for Business Success The Wall Street Journal's YouTube page offers a digital way to plug into the commentary the paper is so famous for. One interesting snippet, Report: Millennials Value Diversity for Business Success, examines the 2015 Deloitte Millennial Survey. If you don't have time to delve into the survey's full findings, this quick yet informative YouTube video is the perfection solution. 200 Sheffield St. Ste 101 Mountainside NJ 07092 908.588.9911 IS YOUR DATA THE WEAKEST LINK? 4 S Technologies, LLC (4S) has many technology-based products and services which are available to clients to assist in the automation of data gathering, workflow management and distribution. By enabling clients to gather and handle data using rules-based, automated routines, 4S is able to fill automation gaps in key processes for its clients, which those clients are otherwise unable to execute with the efficiency and consistency that is required to meet current regulatory standards. 4S's mission is to provide reliable, efficient, cost-effective solutions to our clients' emerging business needs. 4S typically handles sensitive data for its clients, often PII, but at minimum data which much be handled with absolute confidentiality and security. Privacy concerns in general are considered in every aspect of 4S's solutions.