TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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TH E M R EP O RT | 3 CO NTE NTS 16 ANTICIPATING TOMORROW The last year has been one of transition in the housing and mortgage industry—and as 2017 comes to a close, we can't help but ask, "What's next?" 22 5 MARKET CONDITIONS TO IMPACT THE HOUSING INDUSTRY Lenders should keep an eye on these trends that will emerge in 2018. 26 ON THE HOMEFRONT In Part One of this two-part series, the October issue explored Caliber Home Loans' move to hire more military veterans. In Part Two, Caliber emphasizes education and dispels outdated beliefs to help veterans and military families find a home. 30 NUMBER-CRUNCHING Analytics are taking the guesswork out of mortgage origination and servicing, setting the stage for a future where there's less wasted time and the client is more than just a loan folder. DEPARTMENTS 7 MDWELL Closing Time: Here's how closing costs stack up around the country. 8 TAKE 5 Laurel Davis, Fannie Mae's VP for Credit Risk Transfer 10 MCROWD Who's moving on and who's moving up in the industry 12 MONTH IN REVIEW Drilling into the Data 14 EXPOSURE 2017 National Property Preservation Conference