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Th e M Rep o RT | 9 and Social Security Number verifications. That integration will be followed by a suite of Risk Mitigation Services to be added in the coming months. "The addition of our Third- Party Verification and Risk Mitigation Services into Mortgage Builder will streamline our mutual customers' access to the critical information used to make verification determinations," said Damon Littlejohn, director of channels and alliances at Kroll. The two additions join ser- vices already currently integrated with Mortgage Builder, including Kroll's Bureau Express Credit Reports, Flood Determination Reports, and Loan Review Report, a product designed to help clients comply with Fannie Mae's Loan Quality Initiative. "Mortgage Builder strives to provide our clients the tools they need to be efficient, accurate, and competitive," said Brian Abbott, director of corporate initiatives at Mortgage Builder. "Adding Third-Party Verifications is the second of three multi-product integrations of Kroll Factual Data services that will be offered through our LOS [loan origina- tion system]. With the upcoming Risk Mitigation Services, this will be the first of its kind for Mortgage Builder in that it will provide our customers with the ability to order all credit and risk services required for a loan from a single provider." Global DMS Announces Integration of eTrac with CoreLogic Solution The Tech company pushes inTegraTion ThaT will ease compliance concerns. I n Pennsylvania, Global DMS announced the integration of its eTrac Enterprise platform with the CoreLogic Chan- nelMaster Enterprise Lending Solution (ELS). Through the integrated systems, ChannelMaster users can compli- antly order and process appraisals, attain real-time status updates, establish transparency and control, and return completed files directly from the same platform, complete with automated processes to increase efficiencies. "It's important for mortgage lenders to make their processes as seamless as possible to prevent users from having to jump to another application in order to complete tasks," said Vladimir Bien-Aime, president and CEO of Global DMS. "Our integration with the CoreLogic ChannelMaster ELS enables loans to move through the appraisal process unencumbered by manual touch points between systems." In addition, eTrac Enterprise allows ChannelMaster ELS users to efficiently manage multiple appraisal management companies (AMCs) or an in-house appraisal panel depending on their own internal processes and prefer- ences. The solution also allows lenders to order appraisals and assign, track, and deliver loans to the GSEs through the Uniform Collateral Data Portal, helping them avoid buybacks. "By partnering with Global DMS, CoreLogic is now able to offer our clients direct access to an additional network of nation- al appraisers and AMCs without leaving the ChannelMaster plat- form," said Larry Fried, director of product management for the CoreLogic Mortgage Technology Group. "By seamlessly integrat- ing our industry leading LOS [loan origination system] with the Global DMS appraisal man- agement solution, we help our users save time and money and help make their operations more efficient." Florida Bank Sees Major Growth with OpenClose LOS The mulTi-channel sysTem has improved sabadell uniTed bank's efficiencies. A Florida bank has seen its residential loan volume grow more than 200 percent since automating its processes through OpenClose's multi-channel lending automa- tion platform, the origination technology provider announced. According to a release from OpenClose, since turning to the firm's platform, federally char- tered Sabadell United Bank has been able to reduce cycle times by 20 percent, enabling consistent 25-day loan closings and boost- ing volumes—all done in full compliance and without having to add staff. "OpenClose eliminated so many manual touch points from the solution that we were previously using that loans now gracefully move through a very tight, established workflow that rarely involves human intervention," said Howard A. Levine, SVP of consumer and residential lending at Sabadell. "The overall efficacies, speed, and cost savings that OpenClose delivered has been one of our key drivers of success." OpenClose President J.P. Kelly said he is "pleased with the immense success that Sabadell United Bank ... is enjoying with our workflow-driven LOS [loan origination system] platform," noting the additional convenience of using an easily integrated Web-based solution. "Unlike many LOS platforms on the market, we offer an end- to-end system engineered using the same code base from the ground with a single database that is 100 percent browser- based accessible," Kelly said. "As a result, clients like Sabadell United Bank centralize data control and can easily access our system from any location at any time without the need for launching an installed application." on the web "It's important for mortgage lenders to make their processes as seamless as possible to prevent users from having to jump to another application in order to complete tasks." —Vladimir Bien-Aime, Global DMS.