
March 2012

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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LOCAL EDITION SERVICING Carrington Settles with AHMSI FINALIZING A LEGAL ARRANGEMENT WITH AHMSI, CARRINGTON AGREES TO AN UNDISCLOSED DEAL TO CONCLUDE LEGAL DISPUTES BETWEEN THE TWO COMPANIES. CALIFORNIA // Carrington Capital Management LLC, has finalized a legal agreement with American Home Mortgage Servicing Inc. The transaction concludes a lawsuit filed by Carrington against AHMSI in 2009. The terms of the settlement are confidential and no additional details were made available regarding the closure of the legal matter. In an official statement from Carrington Holding Company LLC, the company noted that the recent deal "resolves the disputes reflected in the action, along with any other disputes between the parties in the past." Commenting on the legal developments, Carrington's CEO, Bruce Rose, said, "We look forward to a productive relationship with AHMSI going forward." Continuing his statements, Rose added, "The market has changed dramatically over the past few years, and both companies have decided that we're better off working together than fighting past battles." Carrington is a subsidiary of both Carrington Holding Co. and AHMSI. Carrington Holding Co. is the parent company for the full portfolio of the Carrington Family of Companies, which includes vertically integrated operating businesses that direct every aspect of single-family assets. The Carrington Family of Companies encompasses investment and fund management and maintenance, residential mortgage special servicing and origination, property management and maintenance, and real estate sales and settlement services. Greenwich, a provider of research-based management ser- vices for financial professionals, extends the annual national and regional honors based on inter- views with nearly 13,500 small businesses and nearly 11,500 mid- dle market companies. According to a company statement from BB&T, only 39 of the 750 banks evaluated were recognized among the awards for middle market banking, and only 43 banks were included in the awards for small business banking. BB&T Honored for Small and Middle Market Banking THE REGIONAL BANK WAS RECENTLY GRANTED 17 GREENWICH EXCELLENCE AWARDS FOR ITS SERVICES TARGETING SMALL TO MID- SIZED COMPANIES. NORTH CAROLINA // Regional bank BB&T started off the year with a slew of awards for its small business and middle market banking groups. Between the two company divisions, BB&T earned 17 Greenwich Excellence Awards from Greenwich Associates. Of the financial institution's 17 awards, 16 were presented in national categories, while one was a regional honor. Among the national recognitions for small business and middle mar- ket banking, BB&T was given Greenwich Excellence Awards for overall satisfaction, personal banking (overall satisfaction), financial stability, and treasury management (overall satisfaction). BB&T's president of community banking, Ricky Brown, said of the recent honors, "BB&T has never lost sight of its focus on small business and middle markets, and we are delighted to receive this recognition from our clients. middle market businesses ($10 million to $500 million in annual sales) to rank their bank's suc- cess across 10 categories related to banking and treasury manage- ment categories. Banks earning honors from Greenwich are chosen based on statistical differentiation among financial institutions that receive a 95 percent or better confidence level. Since 2009, BB&T has been given a total of 61 awards from Greenwich, besting all other banks. New England State Gets a Boost from Settlement Funds THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR CONNECTICUT RECENTLY REVEALED THAT HIS STATE WOULD GAIN AN ESTIMATED $190 MILLION IN THE GOVERNMENT'S SERVICING SETTLEMENT. CONNECTICUT // Residents of Connecticut will receive $190 million from the historic $25-billion settlement with five servicers, according to the office of the state attorney general. Funds from the settlement will overwhelmingly benefit Connecticut residents in need of loan-term modifications, accord- ing to Attorney General "George Jepsen, who drummed up the details in a statement. Estimates for the value of We believe that a client-focused strategy through our community banking structure serves our clients well." To determine the recipients of the yearly awards, Greenwich examines banks' performances as recorded in its annual U.S. Small Business and Middle Market Banking Study. Greenwich conducts the survey by asking decision makers from diverse small businesses ($1 million to $10 million in annual sales) and refinance loans hover around $36 million. Connecticut will also benefit from $27 million doled out for foreclosure prevention programs. "There are many reasons why I believe this settlement is good for Connecticut, but the most important reason is this: it provides immediate help to thousands of Connecticut home- owners at a time when they can still use that help to save their homes," Jepsen said in the state- ment. "For the first time, state attor- neys general will have author- ity to monitor how federally regulated banks comply with the new servicing rules and to THE M REPORT | 55 ORIGINATION SERVICING ANALYTICS SECONDARY MARKET

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