
November 2012

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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DEPARTMENT SECONDARY MARKET SECONDARY MARKET SECONDARY MARKET THE LATEST Weakening GDP Growth Drives Down Bank Profits [75] FEATURE The Situation Room: Despite upheaval over the Employment Situation report, there's little truth to the "truther" movement. [76] WHAT'S INSIDE? 72 FHFA Proposes Increased G-fees 72 Delinquencies Expand Among Vintage Prime Mortgages 73 How Does Benchmarking Affect Payroll Data? 74 Improving Markets Index Hits New High in October 74 Freddie Mac Granted Dismissal of Class Action Suit 75 Commercial, Multifamily Mortgage Debt Drops Slightly 78 Wells, JPMorgan Post Record Quarterly Profits 78 Holliday Fenoglio Lands in Fortune, S&P 600 79 Southwestern State Views Homeownership with Practicality 79 Fannie Expands HomePath, Adds New Partner LOCAL EDITION Risk Managers Share Positive Outlook [78] THE M REPORT | 71 ORIGINATION SERVICING ANALYTICS SECONDARY MARKET

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