
Game Change

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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Publisher contributing editor Publisher online editor theMrePort.coM contributing editor Publisher coPy editors online editor associate publisher theMrePort.coM Editor coPy editors contributors Jon Ball Abby Gregory Jon Ball Ryan Schuette Abby Gregory Mark Hulme Alison Rich Ryan Schuette Carrie Bay emily White Youree heather hill Ashley R. Harris Alison phil Britt Rich Tory Barringer Bob Calandra Youree emily White eric Fox Copy Editors Alison Rich hill heather Jack Konyk Youree Emily White contributors Mark Lieberman phil Britt Contributors Bob Calandra Roger Beane creative director Jason Stone Phil Britt eric Fox art director Jonathan Won Roger Hull Jack Konyk associate art directors Bruce Sons Don Kracl Mark Lieberman Chanyanont Loha-Unchit Alec Cheung design director creative director Sean Walker Jason Stone creative director Jason Stone advertising art director Dina Duncan Won Jonathan (214.525.6740) Art Director Jonathon Won Jason Myers (214.525.6760) associate art directors Andi Zimmerman (214.525.6724) associate art director Bruce Sons Juliann Kissell Online Editor YOUR business is OUR business! First American Mortgage Services is laser focused on OUR business iscost, risk andbusiness! mitigating YOUR OUR exposure by aligning our advanced solutions with YOUR strategic objectives st Americanand compliance needs. is laser focused on Mortgage Services igating YOUR cost, risk and exposure by aligning We are the New First American, over 120 years young, advanced solutions with YOUR strategic objectives strong and financially secure. d compliance needs. MCOFFICE.COM are the New First American, over 120 years young, ong and financially secure. Mortgage Office Software Chanyanont Loha-Unchit Sean Walker Toby Tull Brandon Shangraw Sean Walker Tiffany Bryan (214.525.6773) social Media Leon McKenzie (214.525.6716) Robyn Clayton advertising Dina Duncan (214.525.6740) Ani Vera Griffin (214.525.6754) Thomas Jason Myers (214.525.6760) David Hoierman (214.708.2344) circulation/corresPondence Celina Avila Ryan McLemore (214.525.6723) Andi Zimmerman (214.525.6724) Jason Myers (214.525.6760) technology Toby Wolf Lindsay Tull (214.525.6739) design Director technology design director Advertising Brandon Shangraw THEFIVESTARINSTITUTE FORDEFAULTSERVICINGPROFESSIONALS social media social Media Blake Stepan Leon McKenzie Technology Brandon Shangraw Ani Vera corPorate officers circulation/corresPondence chairMan & circulation chief creative officer chief executive officer Chris Warren Mark hulme Celina Avila Rebecca McDowell edward R. Delgado Andi Zimmerman THEFIVESTARINSTITUTE business develoPMent chief financial officer FORDEFAULTSERVICINGPROFESSIONALS John harrison director of huMan resources ernest Gillespie Corporate Officers director of oPerations Toby Tull corPorate officers Chairman & Mark Hulme account executives Chief creative officer chairMan & Mark hulme senior account executive chief creative officer Donna Lott (214.525.6792) president & Ed Delgado sPonsorshiPs Jason Myers (214.525.6760) Chief executive Officer edward R. Renee CharlesDelgado John Harrison (214.525.6742) Thomas Griffin (214.525.6754) Director of accounting business develoPMent Kristin Larson (214.525.6713) Ernest Gillespie Andi Zimmerman chief financial officer Ryan McLemore John harrison (214.525.6706) Marketing Matt Hulme chief executive officer account executives Chief Financial Officer A total end-to-end mortgage lending software system director of huMan resources Marketing ernest Gillespie Travis Bogdon Matt hulme Toby Tull Luke Rose Production Kyle Curtis account executives MiguelStone Art Direction J ason Martinez senior account executive Christian McCrossan Donna Lott Sean Walker (214.525.6792) director of oPerations Production concierge sPonsorshiPs art direction Web-based account executives Chief Economist Celina Avila Jonathon Won Jason Myers Danielle Marino Jason Stone (214.525.6760) Renee Charles (214.525.6742) Sean Walker Mark Lieberman Thomas Griffin (214.525.6754) Jonathan Won Kristin Larson (214.525.6713) No part of this publication may be reproduced without Ryan McLemore No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. written permission from the publisher. (214.525.6706) ©2013 REO Publishing LLC Hosted by Mortgage Computer Insight | Innovation | Integrity First American Title Insurance Company and First American Mortgage Services make no express or implied warranty respecting the information presented and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. FIRST AMERICAN and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE are trademarks owned by First American Financial Corporation. Established 1974 © 2011 First American Financial Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2 | 2 | The M RepoRT The M Report ©2011 Reo publishing LLC All Rights Reserved Marketing Reserved Bogdon Travis All Rights This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed Matt hulme This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, materials are information in regard to the subject matter covered. All writtenand detailed information in the understanding that the covered. All written materials are disseminated withregard to the subject matterpublisher is not engaged in rendering Production disseminated with other professional services. Under no is not engaged in rendering legal advice or the understanding that the publisher circumstance should the Kyle Curtis legal advice or other professional services. Under no circumstance should to be information contained herein be relied upon as legal advice as it is designed the information contained herein be relied uponMiguel Martinez qualified as legal advice as it use of a source of information only. MReport strongly encourages theis designed to be a source of information only.experts with regard to the subject matter covered. attorneys or other qualified MReport strongly encourages the use of qualified attorneys or other qualified experts with regard to the subject matterliable for MReport does not guarantee the accuracy of Christian McCrossan any the information and is not covered. MReport does notor other detriment that may result from the and ofnot liable for any damages, losses, guarantee the accuracy of the information use is these materials. concierge damages, losses, or other detriment that mayCelina Avila of these materials. result from the use Follow us. art direction Jason Stone Sean Walker Jonathan Won No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. ©2011 Reo publishing LLC All Rights Reserved This publication is intended to provide accurate, authoritative, and detailed information in regard to the subject matter covered. All written materials are disseminated with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering

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