
Game Change

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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Legend presents Secondary Market Systems/ Services eMortgage Solution Providers Loan Origination Services Compliance Systems Mortgage Technology Services/Products Risk Management and Data Systems/ Services Document Tracking/ eRecording Internet Services/ Technology Product Outsourcing Specialists Fraud Detection Mortgage brokers Lenders and servicers are working hard to turn the industry around. While great strides have been made in the housing recovery, industry professionals are still standing firm in the face of adverse and unrelenting pressures from the wounded market. To aid in the recovery, mortgage professionals are turning to the latest in lending technology. This month's issue highlights the best and the brightest in the lending technology space. The companies listed are focused on collaboration and consolidation so that efficiency increases and mistakes decrease. Flip the page and acquaint yourself with the industry leaders that will help you solve your most pressing challenges through their innovative products and solutions. Document Management/ Workflow Systems Appraisal Systems and Services Due Diligence Mortgage bankers Quality Assurance/ Contract Services The M Report | 29

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