
Game Change

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Special Advertorial Section AtClose CORPORATE PROFILE Corporate Headquarters Key personnel Bill Welge Principal Tad Buck AtClose has developed a comprehensive understanding of the title industry's needs and challenges and offers its customers innovative solutions and consulting that maximize the effectiveness of their business processes. By applying leading-edge technology and best practices for information management, AtClose seeks to transform title and settlement businesses and provide a strong foundation for enhanced productivity and sustained growth. Company History AtClose has become a leading solution provider for the title industry. Headquartered in Pennsylvania, the team of seasoned experts has gained ample industry experience through extensive interaction with customers in the industry. grows. Key integrations are prebuilt and clients do not need to purchase any third-party licenses. AtClose also caters to businesses of all sizes by offering different editions to suit their specific needs. Most important, its solution includes pre-configured forms and data for the nation's top underwriters. AtClose is a workflow-based system and has been built upon Six Sigma principles from the ground up. Its extensive reporting and business intelligence capabilities provide users with a 360-degree view of essential business insights at all times, making it easy to measure and monitor personnel productivity, track repeat errors, tighten closing times, and provide their partners controlled visibility through specially configured portals. added value to clients VP Business Lines, Services, and Products Number of Employ ees 200 contact infor m ation 183 Industry Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275 Phone: 412.265.1029 Email: AtClose is a state-of-the-art appraisal, title, and settlement solution that provides a superior, dedicated, and comprehensive platform for evolving business needs. Experienced analysts work with customers to define and improve business processes and provide many essential services, including the enhancement of business management through automation, optimization, and improved integration with partners. Geographical Scope and Coverage Area Coast-to-coast Product Solution By implementing AtClose, businesses in the title and settlement industry have significantly improved their bottom line, thanks to increased efficiency, superior quality, and reduced operational costs. Key Features Business process automation for appraisal, title, and settlement processing; search automation; HUD automation; post-close automation; recording automation; underwriter management and automation; vendor management; accounting integration with leading banks and mortgage service providers; ad-hoc reporting and document generation system; executive and management dashboards; separate systems/ portals for clients and vendors, integrated with the processing system; Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) as well as on-premises; workflow management; and open integration framework. Delivery Platform Cloud-based and on-premises COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Several features make AtClose unique. As a cloud application, there is no hardware or software to install, and the system can scale as the client's business Customers who use the company's business process outsourcing (BPO) services get to use AtClose for free. They get a great service plus state-of-the-art software for a single bundled price. The company's clients have the ability to convert their major fixed costs (workforce and software) into a variable cost model. keys to success AtClose is a high-volume, industrial-strength solution. It is being used at four of the country's largest independent settlement companies to process 40,000 closings each month. Its cloud-based infrastructure allows the company to offer its smaller clients the same core capabilities for a fraction of the cost. corporate strategies and goals AtClose plans to focus on small to mid-sized businesses, and the company intends to become the nation's most popular title and appraisal solution by the end of 2014. industry awards, accolades, and milestones AtClose is SAS 70 II and ISO 9001 certified and is among the first Amazon Web Services partners to be designated a Standard Technology Partner (STP). specialty, expertise, and quality control initiatives AtClose prides itself on its business process outsourcing offering. The AtClose solution was designed from the ground up to allow authorized third parties to perform business processes just as easily as a title company's own staff. The AtClose system maintains high-quality standards by logging every user activity, which provides visibility throughout the entire closing process and facilitate quality audits by banks and regulatory agencies. The M Report | 31

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