
Game Change

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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Special Advertorial Section ReverseVision CORPORATE PROFILE ReverseVision, Inc. (RV), is the leading reverse mortgage loan origination system serving more than 100 lenders, 4,500 lending companies, and more than 19,000 users throughout the U.S. Corporate Headquarters Key personnel John Button President Jeff Birdsell Product Manager Bob Garcia Account Manager Bob Talpas Account Manager Joe Rinner Support Manager Number of Employ ees 20 contact infor m ation West Coast Office (HQ): 1620 5th Ave., Suite 725 San Diego, California 92101 Phone: 858.433.4949 East Coast Office: 353 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 350 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Phone: 919.834.0070 Its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution enables lenders and brokers to originate and close reverse mortgage loans. RV's electronic ecosystem powers reverse loan ownership transfer and service integration that drives the reverse lending industry. More reverse mortgages are handled by the RV platform than all other systems combined. Company History RV was founded in 1998 with the sole purpose of building a smart-client platform for reverse mortgage originators and lenders to be able to streamline their lending process. The reverse mortgage process is quite different from the forward lending space, so the RV's solution is uniquely designed for this lending product. In 2012, RV was purchased by TVC Capital—a San Diego-based private equity company that specializes in helping technology companies grow and thrive. TVC immediately hired mortgage industry veteran John Button as president. Button expanded the management team for RV by hiring experienced reverse mortgage professionals into key positions, including product management, customer support management, and account management. Business lines, services, and products RV is exclusively focused on serving the reverse mortgage industry. Its ReverseVision Suite includes point of sale (POS), disclosure, and closing documents in all states, processing, underwriting, closing, and post-closing features, and an ever-expanding list of built-in interfaces. Geographical scope and coverage area RV supports reverse mortgage lenders anywhere in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Product solution Administration • Performed by company administrator over a secure website • Manage users, roles, access rights, branch offices • Parameters such as indices, rate margins, and default fees are defined by the company • Company defines "who" works "how" with "what products" Correspondent Lending • ReverseVision supports the building of a correspondent network • Wholesalers define the products and make them available to the correspondents • Correspondent originates loans and forwards them at any stage to the wholesaler • Both parties interact with each other seamlessly • No double entry required Reporting • Management defines workflow and access rights • Reports provide real-time snapshots of pipelines • Analyze performance of loan officers and branch offices Sales • Appealing graphs and charts • Microsoft Word documents (including numbers and graphs) composed with the click of the mouse • Guides novice with discreet error messages • Ensures high-quality loans with the GFE Validator • Ensures that quotes are within tolerance levels • Integrated secure councilor review system Underwriting • Predefined conditions • Collaboration with processors and loan officer Closing • Calculates payoffs for all liens • Supports entire settlement process Delivery Platform ReverseVision is a SaaS solution with a smart-client installed on the user's machine. The user can work independent of the Internet, and when connected the system receives automatic updates on rates, lending limits, and counseling lists, while pushing the loans to the company's SaaS-based central platform. The ReverseVision Suite has been exclusively designed for reverse mortgages and is a business process-driven solution for any size lender. It covers all aspects of the reverse mortgage process from POS to closing and shipping. competitive advantage Key features added value to clients Business Process Driven • Defined workflows • Set company policies • Set access rights • Set state-specific loan authorization by user • Set products and pricing RV is 100 percent exclusively focused on the reverse mortgage industry and dominates the space with more loans going through its system than all other platforms combined. RV is an expert in reverse lending, and not only provides great software, but also a deep knowledge of how to get a reverse mortgage done—employees are coaches to their clients. The M Report | 47

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