
Game Change

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the latest ORIGINATION Source: Census Bureau s e r v ic i ng Increase in construction spending during the first five months of 2013 versus same five-month period the previous year. Private spending on homebuilding climbs 1.2 percent over April. Or ig i nat ion 6.2% May Construction Spending Up 0.5% A | 59 se c on da r y m a r k e t The M Report a na ly t ic s Census Bureau report revealed an estimated annual rate of $874.9 billion (seasonally adjusted) for construction spending in the month of May. This statistic shows May's spending was up 0.5 percent from the revised April estimate of $870.3 billion as well as 5.4 percent higher than the $830.4 billion representing the May 2012 estimate. The data also shows a significant 6.2 percent increase in construction spending during the first five months of 2013 ($326.2 billion) versus the $307 billion spent during the same fivemonth period the previous year. Regarding the private sector, seasonally adjusted construction spending in May 2013 showed an annual rate of $605.4 billion, nearly identical to the estimate in April at $605.7 billion. Private residential construction spending was at a seasonally adjusted rate of $322.3 billion, 1.2 percent higher than the $318.5 billion revised April estimate. Unlike the increasing residential spending, the month's nonresidential construction spending showed an annual rate of $238.1 billion, down 1.4 percent from the revised April estimate of $287.1 billion. Pertaining to public construction, the figures show May's seasonally adjusted annual rate of construction spending to be $269.5 billion, 1.8 percent above the April estimate of $264.7 billion.

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