TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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EXPERT HAZARD INSURANCE RECOVERY AND PROPERTY REPAIRS "Partnering with us allows clients to focus on servicing their mortgages, while Superior reduces their hazard insurance losses." 480-391-5528 "I WANT A VALUATIONS COMPANY THAT KNOWS THE BUSINESS." At Pro Teck, we believe that quality means getting the exact information you need. Our three-stage discovery process ensures that we deliver the services that most fit your individual requirements. By exploring your company, your industry and your specific needs, Pro Teck can tailor a valuation solution exclusively for you. Pro Teck is solely focused on residential real estate valuations, it is our only business. Call 800.886.4949 or visit today. APPR AISAL S | DESK REVIEW DUE DILIGENCE | BPO COLL ATER ALPOINT | AVM/ANALY TICS The M Report | 63