
A Peek Inside Successful Lending Shops

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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The pulse Punching the Clock As Americans become increasingly more comfortable entering the housing market, they're taking more time to search for the right abode and begin accessing the American Dream—even if it's on the boss's dime. Folks across the country are turning their attention away from their TV screens and focusing instead on their computers, so reveals recent research that shows more and more mortgage applications are submitted between the hours of the nightly news and ESPN's SportsCenter. Homebuyers have adjusted their attitudes to homebuying as well. A survey by Harris Interactive shows that 41 percent of adults (46 percent men and 36 percent women) between the ages of 18 and 34 have displayed an interest in buying a home. Of those interested, 17 percent of men and 6 percent of women feel their finances are shaky but are still going to take the plunge—and they're going to do it while the sun is still out. Around the Clock Americans are applying for loans 24/7, but most are getting the job done on their lunch breaks. Employers are becoming increasingly more aware that some personal tasks simply can't be completed after hours, so they're becoming more flexible about letting employees handle personal business and—at the same time—inspiring loyalty. 15% 60% 62% 30MIN. 12 | Loans that come in on Saturday and Sunday Filed between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Loans completed in one sitting Average amount of time to complete a loan application The M Report

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