
February 2014

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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Th e M Rep o RT | 33 Special Advertorial Section lending Technology guide ClosingCorp CORPORATE PROFILE DocMagic is the leading provider of fully compliant loan document preparation, compliance, and eDeliv- ery solutions for the mortgage industry. COmPAny HIsTORy Founded in 1988 by current CEO Dominic Iannitti, DocMagic Inc., is the largest loan document production company in the U.S. Since its introduc- tion, DocMagic's flagship product, DocMagic, has revolutionized the mortgage document industry. The company was an early adopter of numerous technol- ogies, creating innovative products that have resulted in its industry-leading position today. DocMagic has evolved from a local Southern California document service provider to a national phenomenon. The firm has specialized in consistently developing award- winning solutions and technology to make clients more productive, promote operational efficiency, and mitigate compliance risk. DocMagic has received the SSAE-16 Certification. The highest level of certifica- tion available, this validates that its software and systems meet the rigorous operational controls as- sociated with Sarbanes Oxley compliance. BusInEss LInEs, sERvICEs, And PROduCTs DocMagic has been a leader in the management and delivery of compliant document packages for lenders for more than 25 years. The company has expanded its offerings over the years to provide a full range of compliance and eMortgage services. Today, the company offers document management, compliance, eSign, and other eMortgage services, LoanMagic, flood determinations, OpenPCL viewer, and in-house processing and fulfillment. In addi- tion, the company has a complete investor delivery service. PROduCT sOLuTIOn The company's flagship product is DocMagic, an offering that consists of the people, the systems, and the technology to answer all the lender's mortgage document needs. It offers: • Seamless integration with leading LOSs • Free predatory lending and compliance auditing • In-house legal and compliance experts • Fully compliant eDisclosure delivery • Free setup and integration services • Integrated flood zone determinations • DocMagic's revolutionary eSign technology dELIvERy PLATFORm DocMagic can deliver its service in any way the lender requires, though most users use either DocMagic Online or DocMagic Direct through their loan origination system of choice. KEy FEATuREs DocMagic is specifically designed to keep lenders in full compliance with all state and federal regulations. Along with access to in-house legal and compliance specialists, lenders have access to DocMagic's com- pliance website, containing a wealth of information, from legal analysis to news and resources. DocMagic's sophisticated technology delivers a unique combination of speed, ease, and accuracy that saves the lender time and money, keeping origi- nators well ahead of their competition. DocMagic's responsive support staff does what it takes to solve any concerns and develop solutions that fit each lender's unique needs. COmPETITIvE AdvAnTAgE DocMagic's team sets it apart. Everything the company has accomplished has been the product of a dedicated group of mortgage professionals, technology wizards, and compliance experts. A culture of fantastic customer service ties them all together. Many of its employees have been with the company for more than 10 years. Some have been there since DocMagic's founding in 1988. Few firms can claim that. Any lender who has worked with a member of DocMagic's staff knows the difference, the value the company brings. It's a source of great pride within the company and a high barrier to entry for any challenger. AddEd vALuE TO CLIEnTs Its guaranteed compliance solutions are likely the most valuable to DocMagic's clients. Regulations at multiple levels have proven too difficult for lenders to track. The company's compliance solutions are a lifesaver for lenders. The fact that they are bundled so tightly with its document solutions makes DocMagic a one-stop shop for top originators. KEys TO suCCEss A fanatical focus on customer service. This is the foundation of the company, and everything it does is measured against this. At DocMagic, employees take pride in their ability to answer "yes" to every customer request. IndusTRy AwARds, ACCOLAdEs, And mILEsTOnEs DocMagic has been one of Mortgage Technology magazine's Top 50 Service Providers for the last 10 years and a finalist for the 2012 Lasting Impact Award. DocMagic continually maintains SSAE-16 Certification. key personnel Dominic Iannitti CEO Tim Anderson Director of eServices Susan Iannitti Director of Advertising Michael Morford Director of Product Development Steve Ribultan Director of Business Development staffing More than 79 employees contact information 1800 W. 213 St. Torrance, California 90501 Phone: 800.649.1362 web: DocMagic

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