
February 2014

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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Th e M Rep o RT | 63 O r i g i nat i O n s e r v i c i n g a na ly t i c s s e c O n da r y m a r k e t SECONDARY MARKET LocaL edition ginnie mae to Provide loan data The GSe iS now releaSinG monThly numberS on SinGle-family mbS. WASHINGTON, D.C. // Effective immediately, Ginnie Mae will release monthly loan-level data for existing, active single-fam- ily mortgage-backed securities (MBS), the company announced. The data will include both new issuances and existing loans and pools and will be disclosed in two files: one for Ginnie Mae I data and one for Ginnie Mae II data. Both disclosure files will include information regarding borrowers' original credit score and debt-to-income ratios as well as current delinquency status, Ginnie Mae announced. The announcement marks a continued push by the company to provide comprehensive, trans- parent data on the loans backing its securities. "The release of loan-level data for existing single-family MBS is an important step toward improving our transparency," said Ginnie Mae president Ted Tozer. "Enhancing MBS dis- closures assists Ginnie Mae in attracting global capital by meet- ing the needs of investors more effectively and enabling them to make better-informed investment decisions." The first release, rolled out in December, included both October and November disclo- sure information. As of January, the file will be released on the 10th basis day of each month. Freddie mac reports record numbers for multifamily securities The GSe reporTS yeT anoTher banner year for The houSinG SeGmenT. WASHINGTON, D.C. // 2013 was a record year for multifamily securities at Freddie Mac, the GSE reported. According to a release, Freddie Mac issued a record $28 billion in multifamily securities in 2013 through 19 of its "K-Deals." Those figures are up from $21.2 billion through 17 K-Deals in 2012. Since starting the K-Deals pro- gram in 2009, the enterprise has issued an estimated $71.5 billion through 56 deals. "The primary financing mecha- nism for the multifamily industry is securitization, and we are the industry leader in that space," said Mitchell Resnick, VP of loan pric- ing and securitization at Freddie Mac Multifamily. "We are the most prolific issuer of CMBS [commer- cial mortgage-backed securities] backed by multifamily mortgages since the market crash in 2009." With K-Deals to be included in Barclays' Aggregate U.S. and Global Bond indices next June, Freddie Mac expects continued demand in 2014. "We expect to issue approxi- mately $25 billion in multifamily securities across 15 to 20 K-Deals [this] year," Resnick said, though he noted that the volume will be dependent on as-yet unreleased guidance from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Freddie Mac's conservator. Freddie also celebrated the results of its efforts to reduce taxpayer risk and bring in a private capital base of more than 140 domestic and international investors, including life insurance companies, banks, pension funds, money managers, and hedge funds, some of whom assume first loss positions. "Freddie Mac is a leader in introducing innovative ways to attract new sources of capi- tal and reduce taxpayer risk," Resnick said. "The success of the Multifamily securities program was an impetus for Freddie Mac to create and issue two Structured Agency Credit Risk (STACR) debt notes transactions in 2013 to further reduce its credit exposure and bring private capital to the residential mortgage market. "Freddie Mac Multifamily will strive to preserve taxpayer invest- ment in the GSEs while Congress and FHFA decide on a future state for the agency rental housing finance program," he finished. 2013 was a record year for multifamily securities at Freddie Mac, the GSE reported.

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