
Mortgage Originations: The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly in 2014

TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.

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news and strategies for the evolving mortgage market Mortgage originations the good, the Bad, & the Ugly in 2014 30 O r i g i n a t i O n Home Values expected to depreciate in 20% of u.s. markets the rising national average obscures many poor performances. 38 S e r v i c i n g cfpB director responds to discrimination complaints the employee review process was creating 'differential outcomes', according to cordray. 46 a n a l y t i c S consumer sentiment edges down despite signs of growth, consumers aren't ready to buy the story of economic recovery. 56 S e c O n d a r y m a r k e t House committee approVes fed reform Bill the gop wants a fed that's subject to congressional ideology. The housing indusTry is sTabilizing, buT The markeT is rife wiTh would-be buyers waiTing To Take The plunge. septemBer 2014

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