TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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42 | Th e M Rep o RT Special Section Leading Ladies Kortney Rollinger SVP of PrograM ManageMent, roundPoint Mortgage SerVicing corPoration Kortney Rollinger serves as the SVP of program management for Round- Point Mortgage Servicing Corporation. Kortney is responsible for the manage- ment of strategic initiatives and programs that impact organizational change. Prior to joining RoundPoint, she was the VP of resource planning and financial analysis for loan servic- ing and capital markets at HomeBanc Mortgage. "One key foundation of [Round- Point's] white-glove service centers on a smooth loan servicing onboarding pro- cess, which is so critical to our customers' success," she said. "I'm excited about con- tinuing our implementation of new document manage- ment technology, allowing us to move beyond manual processes, extract data from documents, and start servic- ing the loan faster with improved accuracy." Donna Schmidt Managing director, dLS SerVicing conSuLtantS, LLc; and WaterfaLLcaLc. coM, LLc Donna Schmidt founded DLS Servicing Consultants in 1993. During the mort- gage crisis, DLS Servicing broadened its service offer- ings to include loss mitiga- tion underwriting and short sale negotiation outsourcing opportunities. The firm has focused its attention on the default servicing arena and recently released—a web- based FHA loss mitigation analysis and underwriting tool. Regarding the women she has admired, Donna said, "There were several strong women I worked with early in my career at Margaretten and Com- pany: Delores Serra, Phyllis Porcello, Mary Donohue, and Jeanne Bader. They inspired excellence, as well as demanded it. Our work environment was a true team where professionalism and fun could coexist with high productivity." Jennifer Sells eVP of oPerationS and cLient reLationS, eMortgage Logic Jennifer Sells' accomplish- ments include building strong, motivated teams that deliver peak performance. Sells joined eMortgage Logic (EML) in 2009 and has over 20 years' mortgage banking experience, most specifically in default loan servicing and loan acquisitions/due diligence. Her focus is sup- porting the company's com- mitment to provide the industry with reliable products and outstanding service. She has extensive experience in managing risk positions in investor-owned portfolios and strongly believes that educating her team to understand the risk provides an additional layer of competency to every product delivered. Prior to EML, Jennifer held key positions with GMAC ResCap, EMC Mortgage, and Colonial Savings. Jennifer has been a frequent participant on panels and educational initiatives. Karen L. Spagna SVP, eaSt diViSion HoMe equity and Mortgage fuLfiLLMent executiVe, Bank of aMerica "Owning a home is a privilege and takes hard work, discipline, and dedication. … Education and informed potential homeowners is critical to the process," said Karen Spagna. Karen is Bank of America's East Division home equity and mortgage fulfillment executive, responsible for processing, closing, and funding activities for more than half of Bank of America's annual mortgage and home equity production. When talking about why she loves her job, Karen said, "While I spent nearly 20 years dedicated to the front end of the process [originations], I moved to the back end supporting fulfillment about 12 years ago. Besides the clients we take care of each and every day, I am so fortunate to lead such a terrific group of fulfillment teammates." Amie Sparks-Beebe ceo and PreSident, a2Z fieLd SerViceS As a managing partner and CEO, Amie Sparks- Beebe is responsible for A2Z's growth strategies and financial planning. In addition, she oversees core business operations, including resource and organizational planning, process improvement, sales and service development, and technology integration. Of her time in the industry, Amie said, "The work I do every day managing our strategic direction and leading the management team contributes to the mission of A2Z, and ultimately, to the housing industry. I love the inherent challenge of keeping pace with our clients' evolving needs to offer them creative property management solutions." Since joining A2Z in 2004, Amie's leadership and pioneering initiatives have been an integral part of the company's growth. "Besides the clients we take care of each and every day, I am so fortunate to lead such a terrific group of fulfillment teammates." —karen L. SPagna, Bank of america