TheMReport — News and strategies for the evolving mortgage marketplace.
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Th e M Rep o RT | 45 Special Section leading ladies Bridget Miles Senior Manager, Key Client initiativeS, Clayton Fixed inCoMe ServiCeS Age: 30 "[At Clayton] I've worked alongside great people to tailor the company's processes, products, and strategies to align with the current environment. I love coming to work ready to tackle the day's news, not knowing what to expect," said Bridget Miles. She started at Clayton as a credit risk analyst, audit- ing servicing in private label securities. In 2009, Bridget relocated to help start the Fixed Income Services division at Clayton in Tampa, Florida, as a team lead. Bridget has led projects ranging from ARM audits, FHA compliance, and mortgage insurance claim compliance, among others. Her role with the company includes manag- ing the business system process of risk identifica- tion, operational process improvement, and product development. Bridget enjoys kayaking, paddle boarding, and volunteering at the Humane Society in Tampa. Gracie Morrow vP oF SaleS, guardian Mortgage CoMPany, inC. Age: 30 "When everyone was fear- ful of the Dodd-Frank era, I embraced the change, stayed positive, and educated my clients and partners. I have excelled in the mortgage indus- try because I constantly educate myself and I am a forward thinker," said Gracie Morrow, VP of sales at Guardian Mortgage. Gracie is one of the top residential mortgage experts in Dallas, Texas. She was named one of best mortgage profes- sionals by D Magazine and was honored with a Five Star Professional award. She has seven years' experience in providing personal financial services. Her clients enjoy working with her because of her exceptional knowledge and efficiency throughout the mortgage process. "Leveraging my knowl- edge, creativity, and col- laborative skills help me to provide the best mortgage plan for my clients," Gracie said. "I enjoy helping my clients realize their American Dream." Megan Reese vP oF oPerationS, Mortgage ContraCting ServiCeS, llC Age: 32 "MCS is a great company to work for because of its family-oriented atmo- sphere," said Megan Reese. Megan serves as VP of operations for Mortgage Contracting Services, LLC (MCS), a nationwide pro- vider of property preserva- tion, inspections, and REO property maintenance to the financial services indus- try. Named to this position in December 2010, she is responsible for oversight and management of MCS' inspection portfolio for all clients. On top of those duties, Megan also has operational responsibility for multiple client teams. She began her career with MCS in March 2006, serv- ing as an asset preservation coordinator, team lead, director, and AVP. Prior to her promotion, Megan launched and facilitated new functional work groups and helmed the construction of customer onboarding, customized procedural documentation, and contractual adherence. Ronya Rjaile SvP oF oPerationS, ParKSide lending Age: 34 Ronya Rjaile joined Parkside Lending in 2007 and has more than 15 years' mortgage industry experience. In 2009, she was promoted to op- erations manager and she became SVP of operations earlier this year. Ronya ex- panded Parkside Lending's non-delegated correspon- dent lending platform and is currently responsible for end-to-end operations in both the wholesale and non-delegated corre- spondent channels. In the coming year, Ronya is looking forward to help- ing the industry tackle the challenges of TRID. "Parkside has put tremen- dous thought and effort into developing techno- logical changes to meet requirements and creating educational tools for our clients," Ronya said. "It's challenging to operational- ize the requirements into a simple process when you won't know what the new 'norm' will look like until after the requirements go into effect." Dayna Silver direCtor oF StrategiC develoPMent, Mortgage Quality ManageMent & reSearCh, llC Age: 28 "My goal is to position vendor management compliance as a com- petitive edge by influenc- ing my clients to value and prioritize it as a business imperative. I strive to con- tinually improve Mortgage Quality Management & Research, LLC's (MQMR's), vendor management platform through innova- tive solutions that leverage technology," said Dayna Silver. Dayna oversees the development and growth of MQMR's vendor management division. She served as a trailblazer specializing in creating and developing MQMR's vendor management platform. Dayna approaches vendor management with the goal of balancing regulatory compliance and business growth. As the leader of the division, she takes the extra step to become an expert in all mortgage-vendor ser- vices. When Dayna cannot find a solution on her own, she leverages her strong network of industry leaders. While the majority of this year's Leading Ladies are seasoned, industry vets, MReport also wanted to recognize the emerging Leaders of the housing and mortgage industries. While these women are all under the age of 35, their accomplishments speak to their wisdom beyond their years. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be the voices of millennials that lead the charge.