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around the u.s. or ig i nat ion ANALYTICS a na ly t ic s se r v ic i ng Upward Bound Home prices continue to make strides across the country with state levels seeing more positive gains than negative. Homes for Sale Median List Price Monthly List Price Change Homes for Sale Median List Price 89,673 $159,000 Alabama 38,734 $159,900 S e c on da r y M a r k e t $245,000 +2.1% 46,644 $194,900 $144,900 +3.1% 21,206 $359,900 +1.0% 16,747 $250,000 +3.1% 32,688 $265,000 +0.3% 20,642 $240,000 +2.3% 15,258 $425,000 0.0% 34,250 $193,990 0.0% 36,609 $161,800 +2.6% 79,505 $475,000 +1.2% 25,975 $179,900 13,227 $165,000 $190,800 $250,000 $329,900 $111,000 $169,900 0.0% 16,935 $144,900 +2.9% 74,682 54,424 $130,000 7,136 $159,900 $225,000 $279,000 +0.6% 16,733 $189,500 +2.2% 54,446 101,820 $339,000 +1.5% 4,838 105,778 $180,000 +1.4% 69,141 1,804 $179,900 +3.3% 164,435 76,305 $119,900 +0.3% 16,004 26,604 $139,000 +1.3% 8,470 26,883 $234,999 +1.3% $152,000 +1.4% $179,999 +1.1% $223,000 +1.4% $229,900 0.0% Virginia +0.6% 57,343 $237,500 +3.3% Washington 0.0% 49,778 $244,000 +2.1% West Virginia +2.6% 9,984 $142,000 +1.5% Wisconsin 0.0% 46,457 Oregon +0.7% $157,000 Vermont Oklahoma +3.0% +1.1% Utah Ohio +3.7% $169,900 Texas North Dakota +3.1% 0.0% Tennessee North Carolina +2.0% $240,000 South Dakota New York +0.5% Monthly List Price Change South Carolina New Mexico Missouri +0.8% $136,900 Median List Price Rhode Island -0.4% New Jersey Mississippi Idaho 15,120 +4.0% Minnesota Hawaii 8,645 $139,900 $224,900 New Hampshire Michigan Georgia 80,859 22,589 Massachusetts Florida 248,211 +0.8% Maryland District of Columbia 1,828 $129,900 Homes for Sale Nevada Maine Delaware 9,810 8,085 Louisiana Connecticut 30,325 +2.8% Kentucky Colorado 46,589 $130,000 Monthly List Price Change Nebraska Kansas California 120,835 12,295 Iowa Arkansas 23,511 $125,900 Median List Price Montana +6.0% Indiana Arizona 53,358 Homes for Sale Illinois +0.1% Alaska 5,110 Monthly List Price Change $149,900 +2.0% Wyoming +2.4% 4,782 $215,999 +0.5% Pennsylvania +0.9% 84,977 $169,000 +2.5% Data obtained from Zillow. 68 | The M Report