
Regulators' New Target

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Th e M Rep o RT | 5 find the best way to help our clients conduct their business," Hillman said. "Recording all documents electronically remains an important goal for NTC. We will continue to work with county recorders and technology partners to achieve it." Veros Offers Leading AVMs Through Calyx Companies aim to help users find the most aCCurate aVms. V eros Real Estate Solu- tions, the company behind the VeroVALUE automated valuation model (AVM) and a reseller of other top-performing AVMs, has inte- grated its automated valuation solutions with Calyx Software's Point solution, the companies announced. With the integration, Point users can access VeroVALUE and other AVMs to enhance their portfolio analysis and risk reduc- tion strategies. All AVMs offered are vetted per Veros' standards, and the company's own AVM ranks as a consistently high per- former in industry tests. "In talking with VeroVALUE users, I was pleasantly surprised to learn the accuracy of their AVM when compared to other AVM vendors they tested," said Dennis Boggs, EVP of business development for Calyx. "With the new VeroVALUE interface, users will now have improved ease in ordering from within Point, save time by not having to re-enter data, and have the value returned in a PDF file that is automatically saved in Point's document storage. We love that." "Partnering with Calyx to make highly accurate AVMs from Veros and others immedi- ately available is a very positive development for Point users," added David Rasmussen, SVP of operations for Veros. "Lenders, brokers, and other Calyx users are able to make better and faster decisions to improve loan perfor- mance and reduce risk by using industry-leading technologies from Calyx and Veros. We are delighted to be part of their reli- able network." Platinum Enhances RealView Platform new Comps feature promises to reduCe risk and underwriting times. P latinum Data Solutions, a California-based collateral evaluation and technology provider for the mortgage in- dustry, announced the addition of a new comparison feature to its flagship appraisal quality platform, RealView. Dubbed "Platinum Comps," the new enhancement takes a subject property and analyzes and scores up to 100 or more comparable properties, rank- ing them according to their suitability as a comparison. It also provides related informa- tion, including proximity to the subject property, lot size, gross living area, bedroom and bath- room count, amenities, and other relevant data, presenting the findings in a color-coded report. Through its latest enhance- ment, Platinum says it hopes to further reduce collateral risk and cut appraisal underwriting times by simplifying the comp selec- tion and verification process. "Collateral is the most important part of a mortgage loan, and part of good underwriting involves evaluating whether the comps used in the appraisal are the most appropriate—the challenge is, researching this manually can take a lot of time," said Platinum Data CEO Phil Huff. "We created Platinum Comps in response to underwriters' requests. They wanted information on how comps used in the report compare with those that weren't selected." Huff continued, "They know that appraisers are only human, and want to ensure that the ap- praised value is based on legiti- mate information. Now they can access that information literally with one or two mouse clicks." on the web

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